George Clooney received a license to marry with Amal Alamuddin

In April, 53-year-old Oscar-winning actor George Clooney made an offer to Amal Alamuddin, high-paying London lawyer, and the couple has just received a license to marry in the municipality of London.

As you know, a wedding in the UK preceded the consent from a church, or to obtain a special license - the couple must prove that there are no obstacles to their marriage. As a Briton, 36-year-old Amal was to obtain this document. Obviously, the officials found the arguments from Clooney and his bride worthy of respect, and gave them the paper.

It is reported, that the wedding ceremony will take place in Italy, and the couple will have their honeymoon at Lake Como, north of Milan. The exact date of the wedding is still unknown: the license is valid from one month to one year, and if the couple at this time does not legitimize their relationship, they have to go through a formal procedure again.

Photo of the document was posted on the website



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